Drama International Short Film Festival ギリシャ:2024年応募について


Drama International Short Film Festival

The Drama International Short Film Festival, the great celebration of short film filmmakers, awaits your film for its 47th edition (2-8 September 2024). Film submissions for the National Competition Programme, as well as for the other competition sections of the festival, are now open.

The Drama Festival invites filmmakers from all over the world to apply for the International Competition Programme and the International Student Competition Programme. No separate application is needed for the International Animation and Short & Green competition programmes.

This year, interested parties can apply and submit their films for the National and National Student programmes until May 15, whereas for the International, International Student and the KIDDO competition programme, which aims at filmmakers, as well as children and teenagers who want to create films for children and young people, until May 8.

Those interested can apply here: filmfreeway.com

Source: Drama International Short Film Festival

永田 純子
永田 純子
(Junko Nagata) GreeceJapan.com 代表。またギリシャ語で日本各地の名所を紹介する  IAPONIA.GR, 英語で日本を紹介する JAPANbywebの共同創設者。

